Warlord ECW Shotte in Red Coats

For Pikeman's Lament I decided to use Warlord plastics to get me started. The sculpts are on the smallish side, but adding an extra washer raises them up and they'll pass on a table with Bicornes and Bloodys. If you want to get into a game of Pikeman's Lament, you can't beat the bang for the buck of Warlord's For King and Country boxed set.

First Unit of Shotte

SquadPainter Royalist ECW Tutorial Army Painter Vallejo Game Color

They aren't bad for speed painting. I used the Saxon Dog method:

  1. Base colors
  2. Army Painter Strong Tone from the tin
  3. Highlights
Squad Painter ECW Warlord Pike & Shotte Base Dip Highlight

Since I'm doing both sides I wanted to keep the cost down and get the troops out quickly. The Warlord plastics and Base-Dip-Highlight did the job.


  1. The warlord figs have grown on me considerably over the last year or so. They're actually quite nice sculpts, and there's enough variety in headgear, etc to keep them from becoming too "samey".

    1. Hello FMB – They get the job done. I was worried that they were too undersized to go with my preferred Bicorne and Bloody ECW Miniatures, but after I hid a washer under each figure and based them up you can't tell unless you really get in there and have a look. For the bulk of my infantry they'll do the trick. The cavalry is too undersized compared to tBicorne/Bloody, so I won't be using those. That said, if I were trying to do 28mm ECW on a budget, it would be 90% Warlord and some Perry, etc. thrown in for variety.


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