Project Maiwand - Day Two

I 'eard the knives be'hind me, but I dursn't face my man,
Nor I don't know where I went to, 'cause I didn't 'alt to see,
Till I 'eard a beggar squealin' out for quarter as 'e ran,
An' I thought I knew the voice an' -- it was me!
- Rudyard Kipling

Project Maiwand - Day Two began with a surprise as we had a new recruit bolster our ranks; My lovely wife Fairlight decided to take up the brush and help us get our troops to a proper, finished state.

Emboldened by our unprecedented manpower, we cavalierly decided to make a trip to Brookhurst Hobbies before we put one lick of paint to figure. On the way to the hobby store we ruled that Michael was not in trouble for creating and applying the flags on a non-Craft Day.
After our diversion we set upon the troops with vigor. Michael corrected a few painting errors that were not caught before the dip. Will began attacking the metal bits while I instructed Fairlight on which end of the brush to use, as well as the finer points on applying proper facial highlights.

Once the flesh was completed, we began to apply a few white highlights, paint up the metal on the muskets, and then passed them over to Michael for basing. All 60+ figures were finished with their painted highlights and we also finished 2/3 of the basing (we would have finished but we ran out of bases). Michael, the basing expert, will finish them up over the next week.

We reached our goal: a fully armed adversary that will try to overwhelm the Thin Red Line in our future games of The Sword and the Flame. Some figures are okay, some are pretty good, and some are exceptional. They look great as a horde and I am excited to see them on the table.

From left to right, our indefatigable artists: Michael, Will, Fairlight and me.

Sidenote: Only one more day for my wife's contest to finish. Please click this link to help her to the finish line. Thanks!


  1. Congratulation! A very nice work!

    1. Phil - Thanks for the kind words! We were very happy to see this project through to completion. It was very interesting having people with varying talents, styles and strengths working on it together. None of the final figures are museum quality, but they are nice and more than acceptable for tabletop play. The base-dip-highlight technique yields such a different look than the Dallimore/Foundry style. The dip lends itself to a more "painterly" look... almost like you are viewing an oil painting (see the top figure on this post for a good example of this). - Jeff


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