Warlord Epic Pike & Shotte Casualty markers review

While visiting Detroit for a hockey tournament I trekked to the excellent Michigan Toy Soldier Co for the first time. It's heaven for serious miniature painters!

While I was there emptying my wallet, I saw that they had a small box of 15mm casualty tokens made by Warlord for their Epic Pike & Shotte game. I thought they'd be perfect for my forthcoming games of For King & Parliament.

Epic ECW Casualty Markers review Squadpainter displayed out of box

The sculpting is beautiful and there are two each of 9 different sculpts for a total of 18 markers. Each has a number between 1 and 3... but if you don't like them you could easily put some flock and a tuft or two to hide them. There are both infantry and cavalry unfortunates. My favorite figure is the unhorsed cavalryman with the tri-bar helmet (#3) on the right. They scale perfectly with the Warlord 15mm plastics and my Steel Fist 15mm ECW figures.

These will look great on the table and be far more storyful than a d6. Now I just wish that Steel Fist would make a few walking (and fallen) wounded figures...


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