Epic Warlord Pike & Shotte – First Stands

I just finished up my troops for the first infantry unit. I wanted my infantry to look like John Sturt's illustration of the Battle of Naseby, so I had to square up the Warlord strips and snip a few off the sides. The figures aren't based yet and are affixed with Blu-Tac.
English Civil War 15mm wargame miniatures by Squadpainter
I wanted a lot of troops on my 45x45mm bases so I crammed them on there. With all of the troops it provides a nice sense of mass.
15mm ECW Wargaming miniatures showing the coat and strap details painted by SquadPainter
I was going to base my infantry with the command in front, but after attending Historicon 2023 and observing the Warlord infantry stands, I realized that I like the command and flags within the unit and the front pikes at port. It looks like they are involved in a swirl of melee!

As I mentioned in earlier posts, these are mostly single-coated with Games Workshop Contrast Paints. Painting these 15mm figures is quick and fun.

I've started on my next unit and I'll post pictures when I'm done.


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