Painting Dropfleet Commander Scourge - Tutorial

I've had a few requests for the method that I used to paint these Scourge frigates for Dropfleet Commander. I had two requirements for these ships: they had to look good, and they had to paint up quickly. The good news was that I was able to achieve both of those goals, and use easy techniques.

I found a quick tutorial from the excellent blog Tomorrow When the Revolution Begins. I liked the way his ships turned out so I followed his lead.
Tutorial Painting Dropfleet Commander Scourge Frigate Games Workshop washes drybrush
  1. Prime white
  2. Airbrush Vallejo Model Air Chrome
  3. Heavy Nuln Oil Wash
  4. Heavy drybrush VMA Chrome to bring back the shiny bits
  5. Citadel Druchii Violet Wash on the ridges
  6. Citadel Athonian Camo Wash on the rest
  7. I may have hit the middle of the ridges again with Druchii Violet to deepen the purple
  8. Light drybrush with Vallejo Model Air Gold
  9. Pick out eyes with red, orange crescent on bottom, white dot on top
  10. Pick out engines: Vallejo Game Color Magic Blue and white (with one or two watered-down blends of the colors for transition)
  11. Varnish

That's it. It was very fast, required a steady hand only for steps nine and ten, and they finished up looking great!
Tutorial Painting Dropfleet Commander Scourge Frigate Hawk Wargames Citadel Druchii  washes drybrush
Pick some Scourge up, or any of the other excellent Dropfleet Commander models and have a try. Washes and drybrushing are the way to go with them. What could be easier?

Also, take some time to visit Tomorrow When the Revolution Comes... there's a lot of quality content over there.


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